Thursday, August 30, 2007
Oh Happy Day!

Oh Boy! Our tickets for the next Dave Mattews Band Concert came today.
It's been almost 6 whole months since I saw Dave live. DMB is playing Piedmont Park in Atlanta on September 8th. It should be an interesting day. No parking, just buses and trains and the concert is festival sytle (no seats). Just me and 50,000 thousand other Dave fans.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Vendor Reception at Kathy G's

Last night Kathy G's Catering had their Fall/Winter Reception.
There were photographers, florists, wedding coordinators, etc. Everyone was drinking and eating (the martinis were awesome) and just having a great time.
Kathy has some wonderful new dishes and her presentations are second to none.
It was nice to play with my fellow wedding folks in a social atmosphere.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Helping the Homeless

Yesterday morning, Julie and I did our thing again. We got up at 6:30 am after getting done with the wedding at 2:30 am to move the beds for Birmingham Hospitality Network.
It's time for me to yell and scream again! There's too many homeless people in this country. There isn't enough people helping the homeless. It's so easy to help out, just volunteer to do something. Donate food, clothes, your time or write a check.
OK, rant over. Please take a couple of minutes and do something for the homeless.
Amy and Evan Get Married!

Saturday night we photographed and videotaped Amy and Evan's Wedding at Temple Emanu-El.
Amy was gorgeous, the bridesmaids were gorgeous and the flowers and decorations were (guess what) gorgeous. This wedding was a lot of fun. First off, Amy and Evan are so cool. They're bright, they're nice and best of all they are so good for each other.
Avid Companies did the flowers and decorating. Roz (Creative Cusine) did dinner and Fran was the Wedding director. The band (Anita Culver) was outrageous. They kept the place dancing all night long.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Showing Off

The above posters were photographed earlier in the summer and made their debut Sunday afternoon at ASFA (Alabama School of Fine Arts). They made six posters from my shoot and each one is 5'x10.' With the people next to the posters you get just how big these things are.
I'm not used to seeing my work so big, it's so cool!
P.S. Sorry for the quality of the photos, all I had was my point and shoot in my pocket.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Kelly and Steve's Wedding

Yesterday I photographed Kelly and Steve's Wedding at Shoal Creek Country Club.
This couple were so laid back. They just wanted to have fun and enjoy their wedding. The family members and friends came from all over the world to celebrate with Kelly and Steve.
They handled the heat (103 degrees) very well. We went on to the golf course to get portraits and other fun photos. Nothing slowed them down, they were great!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Meet Brigette

I did Brigette's Bridal Portrait yesterday.
Not only did I get to photograph this gorgeous young lady, but I got to work with a very talented team. Tabitha Boyd did her usual amazing job on the make up and Ouida Jones-Johnson came along to coordinate.
Maybe the most important or best part of the yesterday's session was making a new friend. My studio space isn't big enough to contain Brigette's dress. Bryan Johnson (a very talented photographer) volunteered his studio. He let me take over his studio with 30 minutes notice. That was such a cool thing to do!
I can't show you the entire dress here (just in case Tyler's reading).
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
My Son is Superman

Aron just rode the Silver Comet Bike Trail from Anniston, Alabama to Smryna, Georgia and back last weekend!
We're talking 205 miles. On Friday he rode 103 miles to Smryna, took a break on Saturday and rode back 102 miles to Anniston.
While the rest of us were running for shade and something cold to drink, Aron was peddling away in 100+ heat.
I know I'm biased but I nominate Aron for Superman.
Monday, August 06, 2007
My Bicycle

While in Pensacola last week, I went for my usual bike ride in the mornings. It was hot and muggy and just plain uncomfortable. So, why bother riding in the miserable heat?
Riding my bike has become very important. It's not just exercise, riding helps me focus (no pun) on stuff. Sometimes I'll cruise around with Dave in my ears but most of the time it's a time to reflect and plan.
So, when you see me huffing and puffing riding my bicycle believe it or not I'm having a great time.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Daniel's Bar Mitzvah

Thursday I photographed Daniel's Bar Mitzvah at Temple Emanu-El.
Huh, did you say Thursday? Why yes I did. Most people are used to Saturday morning for a Bar Mitzvah. But, a Bar Mitzvah can occur on Monday, Thursday or Saturday morning because these are Torah Reading days.
After the ceremony we all went into the Temple's Atrium and had a wonderful lunch catered by one of my favorite caterers, Out Takes.
Daniel was great and his folks did well.