Saturday, January 20, 2007

Sam's Bar Mitzvah

Today (oh, maybe yesterday now) was Sam's Bar Mtizvah. I just got back to the office after his party.

What a sweet kid and his family was so nice. He was one nervous puppy. But, he got his act together and sounded really good. His Bar Mitzvah was at Temple Emanu-El, Birmingham this morning (yeah, I know yesterday). Then tonight we went to the Pinetree Country Club to party. The above cracker jack boxes were the table place cards. I thought this was a clever idea. We danced and danced and danced until their poor guests couldn't stand up anymore.

It's still cold (no, make that damn cold) out there and I think it's going to get colder tomorrow.

On a completely different note. My trusty assistant, Tina is pregnant! Major cool, and she's starting to show. Now all those that have met Tina know that she's just a little thing. This should be interesting.


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