Monday, December 25, 2006

Guilt Trip Time

OK, it's Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day and the family is all together, you're eating way too much, drinking way too much, opening another present. Time for a major guilt trip.

I spent a good part of yesterday morning picking up, moving and setting up beds for the homeless. All of you know that I'm not a big fan of getting up early. I was up and on my way my 6 am. Yes, it wasn't a pretty sight, but someone has to help out.

There's a huge homeless problem in beautiful Brimingham, Alabama. Do I expect you to solve it, can I solve it? Maybe we can make a dent. So, as you're getting ready for your second dessert and it's time to open yet another round of presents think just for a moment how you can help.

If you are so inclined, the organization I am involved with is "The Birmingham Hospitality Network." They need money, clothing and most of all volunteers to help out.

Thanks for listening. Guilt trip over

Eight days and counting


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