Wednesday, January 03, 2007

It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood

Aron is home safe and sound. He survived his Delta Airlines puddle hopper adventure. His luggage finally made it today. A new record for Delta, only 24 hours after he arrived.

Now it's time to brag - the Bridal Magazines came out today

Check out the six page spread in Portico Weddings Magazine.

Have you seen the new Alabama Weddings Magazine? I'm all over it.

Check out the article on Bridesmaid Parties

Then, there's the article on LaShea Boutique making custom made Wedding dresses and other formal wear.

And of course, every Bridesmaid party needs a day at the Spa.

Oh, I just got a call from the Over the Mountain Journal about doing photos for them this afternoon.

Yes, I am definitely in a bragging kind of mood. I can't wait for the Wynfrey Bridal Show this Sunday afternoon.

OK, back to work


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