Wednesday, March 28, 2007

On My Way Home

Here I sit playing with my trusty MacBook in the Las Vegas airport. You ask - Why aren't you on the airplane? Good question, it seems that New York (JFK) is the culprit. They're holding up the whole system.

Today wasn't as fast paced as the previous few days, but busy. We started again at 8:30 am in class, this time with the Todds. They are this really high energy couple that do everything together and have a cool marketing program. After checking out of my temporary home away from home in Ballys I went back to the tradeshow. Yes, I know it's like an addiction but there is some much cool stuff to see and play with. But there were wonderful classes again at the Pictage booth. I got to hear Michelle Celentano, Denis Reggie (yes, again) and Pepper Nix. I've been looking forward to meeting Pepper in person. We've been emailing and messaging thru a forum but have never met until now. Pepper is such a loving and sweet person! After the tradeshow I needed some non-hotel/casino type air.

I went on one of my famous (infamous) walks. This time I walked from Ballys to In N' Out Burger. I'm talking about 2-3 miles easy. Now, what makes a hamburger worth that kind of walk you ask? Obviously you haven't experienced the sheer joy and zen like experience of eating an In N' Out Burger. Ok, I'm done with my little heaven on a bun and fries. Now, I had to walk back to the Las Vegas Strip and back to Ballys. My little legs gave out at the MGM Grand Hotel. I got to watch the trainers feeding two of the six lions that MGM has in they're habitat. The lion's names are Frank and Jesse James. I thought it was kinda cute, anyway the fool (trainer) walks into the habitate as cool as a cucumber and proceeds to feed Frank and Jesse. Cool stuff!!!

Out into the world I go, back on my trek to Ballys. Then the wind starts to blow and the clouds start to come in and the tempature drops 20 degrees. Even I'm too smart to hike the Las Vegas strip in cold weather. The bus, oh the wonderful bus comes and all my worries are gone.

Back at Ballys its Awards Dinner time. How boring can they make this program? Self Important speech and speech, etc. I did get to hang out one last time with Pepper, Jerrod, and Mark. Cool stuff!

So here I sit, in the Las Vegas airport blogging away. I must get some sleep! I'm falling asleep at the keyboard.



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