Adventures in Sin City

Hello from our hotel room at Ballys in Las Vegas. The view of the strip is wonderful from up here. We've been here since Wednesday. Our room wasn't ready so we hiked over to Todai (Japanese for heaven) and had a Sushi fest. I don't know why but fresh Sushi is soo good !!!
Aron's in Los Angeles looking at colleges and Julie and I are hiking around the strip and getting into all kinds of trouble. Everyone that frequents Las Vegas kept warning us about horrible food here. Where are these people eating? We're enjoying nothing but wonderful food and booze. We even found our favorite red wine last night in this cute little italian place in the Paris Hotel - Chataneuf du pape. The wine was wonderful and the meal to die for.
This afternoon my sister, parents and Michael and Linda are coming in so we can party like I'm turning 50 years old. But of course the main event tonight is the Dave Matthews Band in concert !!!
I'll report on the concert and other party activities tomorrow.
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