Where art thou?

OK, long story time -
Everything was going just peachy, I was elected as the President for AWEP (Alabama Wedding and Event Professionals), I was taking tons of portraits of wonderful clients and filling those Christmas orders. Then my mother calls and says, "your father is in the hospital get on a plane."
Anyone out there ever get this call? Not pretty, huh?
Aron gets on a plane and meets me in Los Angeles. We visit dad in the hospital. I've said it before and I'll scream it again, hospitals are no place for a sick person! Anyway, dad gets better and we take him back to their house. Amazing what real food and a sanitary environment will do. In the next week he got better in leaps and bounds from what they did to him in the hospital. Meanwhile, I'm trying to keep up with Christmas orders and bringing up the new website (more on that later).
Thank God, dad's much better and he could come back home but something else happened that is so cool! Have I told you how wonderful my clients are? I received emails and calls of concern and support. Only once did I get hassled, everyone was so understanding. I have the best clients!
OK, back to our regular scheduled program ...
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