Friday, December 14, 2007

Say it ain't so

Somebody tell me this is a bad dream. Roger Clemens and Eric Gagne? Please tell me the Mitchell Report is bogus. Roger may go down in the history books as the best pitcher of all time and Eric is (in my opinion) the best closer there is (especially since John Smoltz went back into the regular line up).

Most of you know and now all of you know that I am a huge baseball fan. Not just my beloved Los Angeles Dodgers, I love the game of baseball. I can watch a baseball game any baseball game and be a happy boy. I even go to Regions Field to watch the Birmingham Barons play. You've really got to be a fan to sit through minor league ball.

What's wrong with mandatory drug testing? Mr. Selig, what are you afraid of? These guys are getting millions of dollars to play baseball. Life is tough, be men and stay clean!

Rant over


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